“Home is wherever I’m with you.” Sounds lame, but when you’re in love and your person has been away for a month traveling without you, it’s so true. Shortly after we got back from California (and by shortly I mean a whole 36 hours later), we packed up the car and were on our way […]

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This plan was an on-again-off-again kind of trip. We had planned on going to Disneyland months ago so we could do the Tinkerbell 5K. But my mom called it off about two months before the trip. And we were fine with that! But then like 2.5 weeks out my mom called and asked us girls […]

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Life was crazy for a minute there. Seriously. It was like all of a sudden Ruben was wrapping up school and Legends. And BAM! Just like that he turned 23!! I, of course, wanted to make the day the best it could possibly be for him. So a few weeks earlier I had planned a […]

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