
“Home is wherever I’m with you.” Sounds lame, but when you’re in love and your person has been away for a month traveling without you, it’s so true. Shortly after we got back from California (and by shortly I mean a whole 36 hours later), we packed up the car and were on our way again. I dropped Cheese off at the airport at 5 AM and hit the road for Nebraska right after. I couldn’t stop laughing because it was SNOWING for the first four hours and I was wearing shorts and sandals! I know I was being judged by everyone as I stopped to get gas in shorts and sandals in the middle of a snow storm in Wyoming…. Good times! haha. I finally got to see my husband tho! Such a proud wife moment as I watched the entire auditorium get filled up and almost entirely of friends and family of Ruben’s. May have cried a little…. May have cried a lot. Who’s to know?

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We spent a few days in Omaha and then packed up the car to go to New Mexico to visit my family and film a wedding. We drove around and explored parts I’ve never even seen of my hometown and also got to go to Meow Wolf! If you’re ever in Santa Fe, you have to go check it out! Ruben wasn’t sure about it at first, but ended up really liking it in the end. It’s so friggin crazy! Well needless to say, we had a great time visiting both of our families but after all those hours on the road, we’re totally fine just staying put for a while!