
This plan was an on-again-off-again kind of trip. We had planned on going to Disneyland months ago so we could do the Tinkerbell 5K. But my mom called it off about two months before the trip. And we were fine with that! But then like 2.5 weeks out my mom called and asked us girls if we wanted to go to Disneyland for Mother’s Day like we had originally planned (just no 5K this time). We obviously could not say no! So we planned and got our stuff together and off we went to California. Aubrey and I got there on Thursday afternoon and spent the evening at Huntington Beach (our favorite). We laid on the beach, did a little shopping, and of course we ate at Slater’s 50/50. Then it was Disneyland time! If you ever need to know what/when/how to do Disneyland. Hit us up! We know how to work the system (except maybe not anymore because they just changed the Fast Pass system and we’re bitter about it… I have another trip planned for November, so I’ll keep you posted on how to work the system then…. lol). But we just really had a great time between the churros and the food and the rides! We got there before the new Guardians of the Galaxy was open and Indiana Jones was also closed when we went. But we still had a grand ol’ time! Thanks mom for the trip!! We love you! 

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