
This year, Ruben and I got to go with a bunch of our friends to the Hear Museum in Phoenix and watch the World Hoop Competition. It was really awesome watching our friends compete and also seeing our family out there. We spent two days at the Heard Museum watching the competition and seriously some amazing talent! We also got to see my cousin’s dance recital (holy skinny and flexible for days) and also see my friends Shaun and Tessley. On the way home, we really wanted (and by we, I mean I) to stop by Horseshoe Bend for a bit. So we stayed the night at a friends house, woke up bright and early and headed there. It was stunning!! Ruben was so afraid that I was going to fall off the edge (because there were no railings or nets or anything). I was just worried that I was gonna loose my flip flop. All in all, we had such an amazing weekend and can’t wait to go back again next year!

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* Funny story from the trip: When we were driving down we caravanned it with our friends. We needed to take an exit to go through Page and as we were getting on the off ramp, our friends drove right past us! We were freaking out and pulled over shortly after turning (with the freeway in sight behind us). They had pulled over as well, unsure of what to do. So what did they do? They straight up reversed it up the on ramp and then followed us again! hahaha. Good times!